Month: August 2021

Photo exhibition shows Environmental Destruction and Human Rights Violations for the Bioeconomy

Cover photo: Peter Steudtner/ KoordinierungsKreis Mosambik The bioeconomy has so far been a niche debate that essentially has its place in scientific and political circles. To the general public, however, the term is largely unknown. That is why a photo exhibition by denkhausbremen clarifies what the bioeconomy is about and shows possible consequences for the countries of the Global South. The stakes are high: the bioeconomy involves nothing less than the transformation of our economy. Coal, natural gas and oil are to be left in the ground. Accordingly, the economic system of the future is to be based solely on biomass, which means renewable resources. Ultimately, the great promise of the bioeconomy is to counteract climate change and the extinction of species. As nice as the bioeconomy sounds in theory, it has not yet been clarified, for example, how the high demand for biomass is to be met, especially since the land area for the additional cultivation of renewable resources is limited worldwide. Politicians and researchers are mainly looking in the direction of industrial agriculture …